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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Genetic information for several amphibians vertebrates Table - link N/A 107793 Conger AD, Clinton JH....
Thermodynamic activation parameters for lactate dehydrogenase reactions vertebrates Table - link N/A 107803 Low PS, Bada JL, Somero...
Photoreceptor inner and outer segments vertebrates Table - link N/A 107894 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Density of compact bone vertebrates 2000 kg/m^3 108642 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Ratio of density of cancellous bone to density of compact bone vertebrates 1/10 to 1/2 unitless 108643 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Toughness of bone vertebrates ~600 to 5,000 J/m^2 108644 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Energy usage resulting from activation of G protein–coupled receptors, including the generation of Ca2+ transients in spines vertebrates ~3,000 ATP/vesicle 108666 Attwell D, Laughlin SB....
Number of transducing channels in each hair cell vertebrates 50 to 100 receptors/cell 108325 Arnadóttir J, Chalfie...
Thermodynamic parameters for burying a solvent-accessible phenyl group vertebrates Table - link N/A 109154 Kelley RF, O'Connell...
Size of splenocyte cell vertebrates 7 to 9 Table - link μm 108939 EMD Millipore: Intro...
Fraction of retinal ganglion (neuron) cells that die during life of organism Vertebrates 80% cat: 60%-70% rat, rhesus monkey and human: 40% chicken: none fish and amphibia % 106411 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Concentration of glucose in the intestine under physiological conditions Vertebrates 0.2-48 mM 106543 Diamond J., Evolutionary...
Number of copies of glucose transporter (GLUT1) on membrane of red blood cell Vertebrates 500,000 to 700,000 Copies/cell 106726 Anstee DJ. The functional...
Number of A, B, H and I antigen sites per red blood cell Vertebrates 2e+6 Antigen sites/cell 106727 Anstee DJ. The functional...
Time for manifestation of attenuation of the translational machinery as a result of glucocorticoids Vertebrates 2 Hours 106776 Shah OJ, Kimball SR,...
Number of extra copies of CD36 genes Vertebrates 1 mouse: 2 rat: 7 chimpanzee: 10 macaque: 11 human: 37 dog: 55 chicken Copies 106791 Awasthi G, Dash AP, Das...
Number of germ line cell divisions Vertebrates ~100 Divisions/generation 106964 Lynch M, Conery JS. The...
Postsynaptic area activated by a quantum of neurotransmitter Vertebrates <2 µm^2 107299 Scimemi A, Beato M. ...
Diameter of minicolumn (in neocortex) Vertebrates 30 to 50 μm 107321 Sporns O, Tononi G, Kötter...
Free level of Ca2+ in rod cells in darkness vertebrates ~0.5 μM 107394 Baylor D. How photons...