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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Cell dry weight at doubling time of 40 min Bacteria Escherichia coli 433 (Table - link) fg 103892 Bremer, H., Dennis, P....
"Rule of thumb" for persistence length of DNA Unspecified 50 nm 103785 "Physical Biology of...
Time scale for hydrogen bond rearrangements in water Unspecified 1E-11 sec 103757 "Physical Biology of...
Time scale for protein side chain rotation Unspecified 5E-10 sec 103758 "Physical Biology of...
Fraction of insulin uptake by hepatocytes uptaken by Kupffer cells Unspecified 15 Percent 103357 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of peripheral insulin removed by kidney Unspecified 50 Percent 103358 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of circulating proinsulin removed by kidney Unspecified 50 % 103359 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of C peptide removed by glomerular filtration Unspecified 70 % 103360 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of total renal clearance of insulin by postglomerular, peritubular circulation Unspecified 33 % 103364 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
pH optimum of insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) Unspecified 6.0-8.5 Unitless 103365 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Km of insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) for insulin Unspecified 20 nM 103366 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of total insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) found in cytosol Unspecified 95 Percent 103367 Duckworth WC, Bennett RG...
Fraction of self or pathogen translated mRNAs out of total defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) Unspecified <=30 % 103577 Kenneth M. Murphy, Paul...
Diffusion coefficients in gel and liquid of lysozyme, BSA and IgG Unspecified Table - link nm 104046 Karlsson D, Zacchi G...
Predicted, cytoplasmic diffusion coefficients of small amino acids, sugars, selected proteins and ribosomes and DNA constructs Unspecified Table - link N/A 108533 Kalwarczyk T, Tabaka M...
Estimated percent of cell volume taken up by a wide variety of large biomolecules Unspecified 30 to 50 % 109037 Roberts E, Magis A, Ortiz JO...
Number of molecular species observed experimentally in a given class of glycerophospholipids in crude tissue extracts Unspecified ~100 Molecular species/extract 106988 Wenk MR. The emerging...
Rule of thumb for the Thickness of lipid bilayer Unspecified 5 nm 101835 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the area per molecule in lipid bilayer Unspecified 0.5 nm^2 101837 "Physical Biology of...
"Rule of thumb" for the characteristic velocity of a protein motor Unspecified 200 nm/sec 101833 "Physical Biology of...