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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Estimated speed of transport in squid giant axons Squid Table - link µm/hour 112176 Terada S, Kinjo M, Hirokawa...
Estimated translocating distance of injected creatine kinase in squid giant axons Squid Table - link µm 112177 Terada S, Kinjo M, Hirokawa...
Time required for the diffusion of the transmitter across the synaptic gap Squid 1 µsec 102702 Llinás R, Steinberg IZ...
Membrane potential of sodium ion in axon Squid -60 (Table - link) mV 104085 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Protein fraction by weight in axoplasm Squid 5 % 100462 "Cell movements - from...
Duration of fast synaptic transmission Squid <=1 ms 102701 Llinás R, Steinberg IZ...
Mean velocity of movement of axoplasmic organelles along purified microtubules Squid Loligo pealeii 1.42 µm/sec 112233 Vale RD, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS...
Average doubling time in light organ of squid host Bacteria Vibrio fischeri 4.8 (±1) hours 105460 Lee KH, Ruby EG. Effect...
Ionic concentrations inside and outside squid axon and mammalian muscle cell Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 103650 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Velocity of action potential in giant axon at 23°C Squid Loligo 33 m/s 108960 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Average actin filament length in neuron Squid Loligo pealeii 0.55 (204 subunits (~370 subunits per micrometer)) μm 110645 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Upper limit of concentration of culture in light organ of squid Euprymna scolopes Bacteria Vibrio fischeri 1e+11 Cells/ml 109186 Miller MB, Bassler BL....
Action Potential parameters for avalanche and recovery phases for squid and cat Various Table - link N/A 104234 Aiello GL, Bach-y-Rita...
Biophysical and physiological parameters used in simulations (squid axon and mammalian pyramidal cell) Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 109242 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Swimming efficiency Metazoa animals rainbow trout ~10% squid ~5% % 110789 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...
Translocation rate constants and partition coefficients of lipophilic ions in nerve membranes and lipid bilayers Various Table - link N/A 112593 P. smejtek, Permeability...
The number of kinases in the c. elegans kinome Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans 438 unitless 100625 Genomic Overview of Protein...
The number of kinases in the mouse kinome Mouse Mus musculus 540 unitless 100624 The mouse kinome: Discovery...
Duration of viability once pathogen has become resident within HeLa cell Mycoplasma gallisepticum 24-48 hours 105745 Rottem S. Interaction...
Velocity of movement of individual Kip3p-EGFP molecules Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.2 (±0.3) μm/min 108077 Varga V, Leduc C, Bormuth V...