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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Median basic reproductive ratio HIV 5.7 (2.8-11) 1/day 105731 Stafford MA, Corey L...
Number of prokaryotic cells produced per year in the ocean prokaryote 9.3E+29 cells 109022 Weinbauer MG. Ecology...
Total number of virions produced per cell (burst size) of influenza A Influenza 1000-10,000 virions/cell 101605 Stray SJ, Air GM. Apoptosis...
Shell volume of phenylalanine tRNA Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 36049 (Table - link) Å^3 103044 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Shell volume of 20S proteasome Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1.26e+6 Å^3 103061 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Number of Gag proteins per virion HIV 750 - 5000 Copies/virion 114187 Dumas F, Haanappel E....