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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fluorescent protein properties table Generic Table - link N/A 103772 Nikonimaging center-Thornlab...
Reynolds numbers Generic Table - link N/A 107904 Jonathon Howard, Mechanics...
Molecular polarizabilities as determined from molecular or bulk properties Generic Table - link N/A 108519 Israelachvili Jacob,...
Elementary composition of several proteins Generic Table - link N/A 109495 Kleiber M. The fire of...
Hydrogen bond length between water and water Generic 2.8 Å 106701 Noam Agmon, The Grotthuss...
Size of glucose molecule (open chain form) Generic 1.5 nm 106979 Daniel Minoli, Nanotechnology...
Length of nucleotide Generic ~1 nm 106980 Richard C. Deonier,Simon...
Thermodynamic constants of the small molecular weight constituents of biomass Generic Table - link N/A 107167 H. J. Morowitz, Foundations...
Viscosities of some familiar fluids measured at 20°C Generic Table - link N/A 107419 Boal David, Mechanics...
Examples of diffusion coefficients Generic Table - link m^2/sec 107420 Boal David, Mechanics...
Database for number of restriction enzymes and methylases in different organisms Generic Database: link N/A 101595
Pubspectra - a database of properties for absorption, fluorescence, transmission and reflectance spectral data Generic Database - link N/A 101933 Web site Copyright ©...
Diffusion constant of water at 298K & 1atm pressure Generic ~2.27 µm^2/ms 101478 D. Eisenberg and W. Kauzmann...
Amino acid indices, substitution matrices and pair-wise contact potentials Generic Database - link N/A 100686
E-MgATP Dissociation constant Generic 1.0-2.1 mM 101875 Gerber, G., H. Preissler...
E-2,3-DPG Dissociation constant Generic 2.7 mM 101878 Gerber, G., H. Preissler...
E-Mg-2,3-DPG Dissociation constant Generic 3.44 mM 101879 Gerber, G., H. Preissler...
MgATP association constant Generic 20000 1 / M 101881 Taqui Kahn, M. M. and...
MgADP association constant Generic 700 1 / M 101884 dolfsen, R. and E. N....
MgADP association constant Generic 22000 1 / M 101885 dolfsen, R. and E. N....