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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Midpoint potential of reconstituted chloroplast membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea 30 mV 105889 Dimroth P, Kaim G, Matthey...
Frequency of paternal chloroplast inheritance Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum 3E-06 Unitless 103098 Ruf S, Karcher D, Bock...
Non water volume of chloroplast Pea Pisum sativum 17 μm^3 108547 Park S. Nobel, Physi...
Fractional water content of chloroplast Pea Pisum sativum 0.51 in the dark: 0.41 in the light unitless 108548 Park S. Nobel, Physi...
Electrical potential of chloroplast membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea 50 mV 105888 Gräber P, Witt HT. Relations...
Percent of incident radiation (photosynthetic photon flux) absorbed by a chloroplast Biosphere ~ 30 % 100916 Nobel, P. S. "Plant ...
Number of genomes per chloroplast in buds Pea Pisum sativum 224 (±80) Genome copies/chloroplast 107108 Boffey SA, Leech RM....
Volume of chloroplast occupied by starch Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 15 % 109011 Crumpton-Taylor M, Grandison...
Number of thylakoids in extreme-shade plant's chloroplast Plant Alocasia macrorhiza 100 thylakoids/chloroplast 107015 Staehelin LA. Chloroplast...
Extra solutes in a chloroplast in the dark correspond to Pea Pisum sativum <0.1 μm^3 of solids 108546 Park S. Nobel, Physi...
H+/ATP ratio of chloroplast F0F1 ATP Synthase Spinach Spinacia oleracea for extra-vesicular pH=8.05 4.0±0.3: for extra-vesicular pH=8.45 3.9±0.2 H+/ATP 111495 Turina, Paola, Dietrich...
concentration of chlorophyll in a chloroplast Plants ~ 30 mM 100913 Nobel, P. S. "Plant ...
CO2 and HCO3- transport in cytoplasm and chloroplast Diatoms Table - link N/A 116875 Hopkinson BM, Dupont CL...
Fraction of cell volume occupied by the single chloroplast Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ~50 % 111328 Engel, B. D., Schaffer...
Relative permeabilities of chloroplast outer envelope protein OEP37 Pea Pisum sativum K+ 14: Ca2+ 1: Mg2+ 0.9: Cl- 0.8 Table - link N/A 106102 Goetze TA, Philippar K...
Frequency of transfer of chloroplast DNA to the nucleus Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum ~6.25E-05 genes/pollen grain 103096 Huang CY, Ayliffe MA...
Dry mass of chloroplast in C3 plant leaf Plants 20 pg 105597 Lawlor, D. W, Photosynthesis:...
Size of spherical plastoglobules (non-starch) in chloroplast Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 64 (±15) nm 111330 Engel, B. D., Schaffer...
Chloroplast envelope surface area in a C3 plant leaf Plants 59 µm^2 105592 Lawlor, D. W, Photosynthesis:...
Reversal potential of chloroplast outer envelope protein OEP37 Pea Pisum sativum 48.5 (±4.7 Table - link) mV 106101 Goetze TA, Philippar K...