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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Body temperature Birds 39-44 °C 100924 Amazing numbers in biology...
Half life of antidiuretic hormone Birds 6.3 min 102419 Arad Z, Skadhauge E....
Smallest and largest known genomes Birds black-chinned hummingbird (Archilochus alexanderi) 0.91: common ostrich (Struthio camelus) ~1.3 Gb 117104 Zhang G et al., Comparative...
Two possible depths of foveal pit Birds shallow 80-120 or deep 190-240 µm 117189 Bringmann A. Structure...
Approximate λmax values of cone visual pigments, where known, in different bird species Birds Table - link nm 117175 Frentiu FD, Briscoe AD....
Most recent date of speciation of herring gull-species Birds <10,000 years ago 113001 Hebert PD, Stoeckle MY...
Extracellular Fluid Volume (ECV) Birds ducks maintained on fresh water 24.9: ducks maintained on salt water 26.4: gulls 38.2: roosters 28.8 % of body weight 113047 Erik Skadhauge, 1981...
Reproduction cost for female in Charadriiformes Birds clutch may weigh ≤80-90% of female body mass: consume 200% of her calcium unitless 113079 David Ward, Do Polyandrous...
Weight span in Ratites Birds kiwi 1kg: ostrich 130kg kg 113077 Dennis M. Power, Current...
Extinction rate Birds 132 extinction/million species/year (E/MSY) 113446 Pimm SL et al., The ...
Net population change in North American birds Biosphere Table - link % change since 1970 117281 Rosenberg KV et al.,...
Divergence between turtles and Archosauria (birds and dinosaurs) Various ~255 (274 to 233) Mya 108234 Chiari Y, Cahais V, Galtier N...
Time period over which birds and butterflies have evolved Metazoa animals birds ~160: butterflies >140 million years ago 117177 Frentiu FD, Briscoe AD....
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats each year Biosphere in Britain ≥20 million birds/year: in USA >80 million birds/year 116948 Winkler, K., Fall, B.A....
Number of migratory birds lost to hunting and trapping in the Mediterranean countries each year Biosphere 1e+9 birds/year 116946 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats in the USA each year according to different sources Biosphere Winkler et al., 80 million birds/year: Walsberg 319 - 638 birds/year 116947 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Estimated time range of diversification of birds and mammals Various 312.3e+6 - 330.4e+6 years 105155 Donoghue PC, Benton MJ....
Time scale of development for various mammals and birds Various Table - link N/A 102122 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Growth in birds, amphibians, reptiles and fishes: weight at various ages Various Table - link N/A 102205 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Divergence rate for protein coding mitochondrial DNA in mammals and birds vertebrates 0.02 substitutions/site/Myr 113217 Peterson GI, Masel J....