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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Rate of DNA replication Human Homo sapiens ≤~2 kb/min 104136 Fangman WL, Brewer BJ....
Number of neurons and synapses in a cubic millimeter of cortex Mouse Mus musculus ~90,000 neurons: ~700,000,000 synapses 1/mm^3 109245 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Size of synaptic cleft Human Homo sapiens 20 to 40 nm 108451 The Dana Foundation-a...
Diameter of water molecule Generic 2.8 Å 103723 D'Arrigo JS. Screening...
Volume of blood in average-sized (70 Kg) person Human Homo sapiens 5.5 L 101707 Vander, A., J. Sherman...
Cells per gram liver tissue Human Homo sapiens 1.07e+8 (0.65e+8 to 1.85e+8) cells/g 110544 Wilson ZE, Rostami-Hodjegan A...
Number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 80 to 120 Chloroplasts/cell 109053 Crumpton-Taylor M, Grandison...
Kinetic data for Rubiscos from various bacteria, algae, and higher plants Various Table - link N/A 103708 Tcherkez GG, Farquhar GD...
One unit of OD600 corresponds to a cell dry weight of Bacteria Escherichia coli 0.3 g/liter 109835 Soini J, Ukkonen K, Neubauer...
Frequency of appearance of apparently dead cells Bacteria Escherichia coli ~4.6e-4 dead cells/ordinary cells 111488 Stewart EJ, Madden R...
Size of HUVEC (human umbilical vein endothelial cell) Human Homo sapiens 14 to 15 Table - link μm 108923 EMD Millipore: Intro...
Genome size (smallest of endosymbiont bacteria) Bacteria Hodgkinia cicadicola 143795 bps 108693 McCutcheon JP, McDonald BR...
Size of glucose ring molecule Generic Long axis 8.6Å short axis 8.4Å Table - link Å 110368 Khavinet Lourvand, thesis...
Total cell number in body (for value of 3e+13 see BNIDS 113005, 113006) Human Homo sapiens 3.7e+13 (±0.8) Cells 109716 Bianconi E, et al., An...
Mean dry mass (male) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 0.219-0.304 mg 102570 Worthen, W.B., Latitudinal...
Molecular mass of green fluorescent protein (GFP) Aequorea victoria 27 kDa 111748 Nishiuchi Y et al., Chemical...
Contour length of amino acid Generic 3.4 - 4.0 Å 114332 Ainavarapu SR et al....
Length, diameter, volume and surface area of cells in different conditions Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 106614 Prats R, de Pedro MA....
Distance between molecules as function of concentration Generic Table - link nm 110542 Erickson HP. Size and...
Size of U87 (glioblastoma) cell Human Homo sapiens 12 to 14 Table - link μm 108941 EMD Millipore: Intro...