Fraction of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with which megakaryocytes (MKs) physically associate

Range ~20 %
Organism Mouse Mus musculus
Reference Birbrair A, Frenette PS. Niche heterogeneity in the bone marrow. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 Apr1370(1):82-96. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13016 p.89 right column top paragraphPubMed ID27015419
Primary Source [55] Bruns I et al., Megakaryocytes regulate hematopoietic stem cell quiescence through CXCL4 secretion. Nat Med. 2014 Nov20(11):1315-20. doi: 10.1038/nm.3707PubMed ID25326802
Method Primary source abstract: "Three-dimensional whole-mount imaging revealed that endogenous HSCs are frequently located adjacent to MKs in a nonrandom fashion....Combined use of whole-mount imaging and computational modeling was highly suggestive of a megakaryocytic niche capable of independently influencing HSC maintenance by regulating quiescence."
Comments P.89 right column top paragraph: "As megakaryocytes produce multiple cytokines (e.g., thrombopoietin, TGF‐β, and CXCL4), it is possible that their effect on HSCs (hematopoietic stem cells) results from the balance of all those and probably more molecules. Interestingly, megakaryocytes physically associate with approximately 20% of HSCs in the BM (bone marrow). It remains to be studied whether the function of those HSCs differs from that of the rest of the HSCs in the BM. Overall, these observations confirm that megakaryocytes serve as HSC‐derived niche cells directly regulating HSC function."
Entered by Uri M
ID 117063