Components of cholinergic neurotransmission and recording methods

Range Table - link
Organism Eukaryotes
Reference Sarter M, Kim Y. Interpreting chemical neurotransmission in vivo: techniques, time scales, and theories. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2015 Jan 21 6(1):8-10. doi: 10.1021/cn500319m. p.9 table 1PubMed ID25514622
Primary Source [5] Paolone, G., Angelakos, C. C., Meyer, P. J., Robinson, T. E., and Sarter, M. (2013) Cholinergic control over attention in rats prone to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. J. Neurosci. 33, 8321-8335. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0709-13.2013. [6] Jaquins-Gerstl, A., Shu, Z., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Weber, S. G., and Michael, A. C. (2011) Effect of dexamethasone on gliosis, ischemia, and dopamine extraction during microdialysis sampling in brain tissue. Anal. Chem. 83, 7662-7667. doi: 10.1021/ac200782h.PubMed ID23658172, 21859125
Comments p.9 left column bottom paragraph:"By contrast, measures of neurotransmitter release that have supported neuromodulatory functions raise important questions. As illustrated in Table 1 for ACh, the use of different techniques supporting different modes of transmission, and the confounding impact of the lower temporal resolution of microdialysis for conclusions in terms of neuromodulation, have rendered a confusing and even conflicting literature." p.9 right column 2nd paragraph:"For some neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, amperometric recordings likewise suggested background variations on the scale of minutes (such minute resolution appears not to be feasible using amperometric measures of ACh see Table 1)."
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