Frequency in which chromosomeless cells are produced

Range <1e-4 1/sister chromosome partitions
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Gordon GS, Sitnikov D, Webb CD, Teleman A, Straight A, Losick R, Murray AW, Wright A. Chromosome and low copy plasmid segregation in E. coli: visual evidence for distinct mechanisms. Cell. 1997 Sep 19 90(6):1113-21. p.1113 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID9323139
Comments "Following termination of replication, sister chromosomes are partitioned to daughter cells by a highly accurate process in which chromosomeless cells are produced at a frequency of less than 10^-4 (Hiraga, 1992 Løbner-Olesenand Kuempel, 1992 Rothfield, 1994 Wheeler and Shapiro, 1997).
Entered by Uri M
ID 109540