Percent of the PC12 cells in both serum and serum-starved pre-stimulation conditions that were arrested in G1 phase within 24 hours of NGF addition

Range 70 to 90 %
Organism Mammalian tissue culture cell
Reference Hahn AT, Jones JT, Meyer T. Quantitative analysis of cell cycle phase durations and PC12 differentiation using fluorescent biosensors. Cell Cycle. 2009 Apr 1 8(7):1044-52. p.1049 left column bottom paragraphPubMed ID19270522
Method Live-cell fluorescent biosensors and time-lapse microscopy
Comments "Within 24 hours, 70–90% of the PC12 cells in both serum and serum-starved pre-stimulation conditions were arrested in G1 phase (Fig. 4B and C, left)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 108479