Biopolymer concentration in blood serum

Range ~80 mg/ml
Organism Eukaryotes
Reference Cayley S, Record MT Jr. Large changes in cytoplasmic biopolymer concentration with osmolality indicate that macromolecular crowding may regulate protein-DNA interactions and growth rate in osmotically stressed Escherichia coli K-12. J Mol Recognit. 2004 Sep-Oct17(5):488-96. p.488 right column bottom paragraphPubMed ID15362109
Comments "Biopolymer concentrations in biological systems are generally very high, ranging from 80 mg/ml in blood serum to >300 mg/ml in growing bacteria, and can reach much higher concentrations in spores and in hyperosmotically shocked (but viable) cells."
Entered by Uri M
ID 108390