Local molecular clock datings of the age of the most recent common ancestor of six mammalian clades

Range Table - link
Organism Mammals
Reference Douzery EJ, Delsuc F, Stanhope MJ, Huchon D. Local molecular clocks in three nuclear genes: divergence times for rodents and other mammals and incompatibility among fossil calibrations. J Mol Evol. 2003 57 Suppl 1: S201-13. p.S207 table 2PubMed ID15008417
Method Based on first and second codon positions of the three concatenated exons of ADRA2B + IRBP + vWF and calibrated by seven paleontological references
Comments Table 2 presents the results of the local molecular clock dating for the age of the MRCA (most recent common ancestors) of six mammalian clades. See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 108232