Fatty acid (FA) composition (mol %) of myocardial phospholipids in 2-day-old intact rats

Range Table - link mol %
Organism Rat Rattus norvegicus
Reference Novák F, Kolár F, Vocu S, Vecka M, Nováková O. Pressure overload selectively increases n-3 PUFA in myocardial phospholipids during early postnatal period. Physiol Res. 2012 Jul 24 61 Suppl 1:S155-63. p.s159 table 3PubMed ID22827872
Method The hearts were dissected free of atrial tissue and large blood vessels and the right ventricular (RV) free wall and septum were separated from the LV (left ventricle).
Comments See note beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 108138