Peak level of Dps protein in E. coli W3110

Range ~180,000 Figure link - link molecules per cell
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Ali Azam T, Iwata A, Nishimura A, Ueda S, Ishihama A. Growth phase-dependent variation in protein composition of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. J Bacteriol. 1999 Oct181(20):6361-70. p.6365 figure 2 and p.6366 left column 3rd paragraphPubMed ID10515926
Method See notes beneath table
Comments A systematic Western immunoblot analysis of W3110 cell lysates indicated that about 6,000 Dps molecules per cell exist in the exponential growth phase and thereafter begin to increase gradually, reaching a peak of about 180,000 molecules per cell at the late stationary phase (Fig. 2D), the most abundant DNA-binding protein so far identified in E. coli (Fig. 3).
Entered by Uri M
ID 107998