Magnitude of the forces behind cell oscillation

Range ~10 nN
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Reguera G. When microbial conversations get physical. Trends Microbiol. 2011 Mar19(3):105-13. p.106 left column top paragraphPubMed ID21239171
Primary Source Pelling AE, Sehati S, Gralla EB, Valentine JS, Gimzewski JK. Local nanomechanical motion of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Science. 2004 Aug 20 305(5687):1147-50.PubMed ID15326353
Method Atomic force microscopy
Comments The magnitude of the forces (~10 nN) was such that it would have required the concerted action of several molecular motors, as expected of a dedicated system that transmitted the metabolic status of the cell as mechanical vibration and sound.
Entered by Uri M
ID 107411