Half time of uncatalyzed racemization of mandelate

Value 100000 Years
Organism Generic
Reference Wolfenden R, Snider MJ. The depth of chemical time and the power of enzymes as catalysts. Acc Chem Res. 2001 Dec34(12):938-45. p.940 right column 3rd paragraph and p.941 fig.4 Figure link - link PubMed ID11747411
Primary Source Che A, Morrison IE, Pan R, Cherry RJ. Restriction by ankyrin of band 3 rotational mobility in human erythrocyte membranes and reconstituted lipid vesicles.Biochemistry. 1997 Aug 5 36(31):9588-95.PubMed ID9236005
Comments Note that text gives 10^5 years and fig.4 72,000 years. Discrepancy unclear.
Entered by Uri M
ID 107182