Comparison of estimated mRNA synthesis rates

Range Table - link
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Ares M Jr, Grate L, Pauling MH. A handful of intron-containing genes produces the lion's share of yeast mRNA. RNA. 1999 Sep5(9):1138-9. p.1139 table 1PubMed ID10496214
Primary Source Holstege et al., Dissecting the regulatory circuitry of a eukaryotic genome. Cell. 1998 Nov 25 95(5):717-28.PubMed ID9845373
Method Researchers separated yeast genes into intron-containing and intron-lacking classes and summed the estimated number of mRNAs synthesized each hour in each class.
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Entered by Uri M
ID 106267