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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Schematic diagram depicting embryogenesis and gametogenesis | Human Homo sapiens | Figure - link | N/A | 112460 | Rahbari R et al., Timing... |
The speed of human sperm straight line velocity (VSL) | Human Homo sapiens | 0 - 35 | µm/sec | 114281 | Van den Bergh, M., Emiliani... |
Surface area and volume of spermatozoa | Human Homo sapiens | 106 μm^2 surface area: 22.2 μm^3 volume | N/A | 106852 | Curry MR, Millar JD,... |
Oocyte data | Mouse Mus musculus | is fusion-competent when it reaches ~20: normally fuses with sperm when diameter reaches 80 | μm | 113608 | Shinn-Thomas JH, Mohler... |
Volume of pronucleus | Mouse Mus musculus | in 1-cell stage embryo 8.24 ± 0.19: in blastocysts 0.69 ± 0.02 | pL | 114012 | Tsichlaki E, FitzHarris G... |
Swimming rate | Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | vegetative cell 133: gamete 174 Table - link | µm/sec | 111430 | Goodenough UW. Motile... |
Mutation rate per base pair per replication | Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans | 2.3E-10 (Table - link) | mutation/bp/replication | 100287 | Drake JW, Charlesworth B... |
Volume of oocyte | African clawed frog Xenopus laevis | 1 | μL | 106735 | Christopher E. Sims and... |
Dry mass of sperm | Cow Bos Taurus | 1.3E-11 | Grams | 106854 | Bahr GF, Zeitler E. Study... |
Isosmotic volume of sperm | Human Homo sapiens | 28.5 (±0.3 Table - link) | μm^3 | 109891 | Gilmore JA, McGann LE... |
Selected values of sperm cell volume | Human Homo sapiens | 15.4 - 37.5 Table - link | μm^3 | 109892 | Kleinhans FW, Travis VS... |
Number of sperm ejaculated by a bull | Cow Bos Taurus | 5e9 - 15e9 | sperms/ejaculate | 110114 | Parker GA. Why are there... |
Number of oocytes released during a natural ovulation | Mouse Mus musculus | 8 to 12 | oocytes | 108856 | Kim AM, Vogt S, O'Halloran TV... |
Number of germ line cell divisions | Vertebrates | ~100 | Divisions/generation | 106964 | Lynch M, Conery JS. The... |
Volume of sperm cell | Cow Bos Taurus | 25μm^3 with glycerol: 26μm^3 without glycerol | μm^3 | 106638 | Berndtson WE, Foote RH.... |
Dimensions of sperm cell modelled as cylinder | Human Homo sapiens | 40.2 μm length: 0.42 μm radius | μm | 106851 | Devireddy RV, Swanlund DJ... |
Surface area and volume of ram spermatozoa | Sheep Ovis aries | 135 μm^2 surface area: 31.3 μm^3 volume | N/A | 106853 | Curry MR, Millar JD,... |
Decline in oocyte population in fetal ovary between 5th month of gestation and birth | Human Homo sapiens | 65 | % | 105640 | Hilscher W. Some remarks... |
Water content in mature pollen grain of angiosperm | Plants | 15-30 | % | 105644 | Boavida LC, Becker JD... |
Oocyte volume | Mouse Mus musculus | ~300 | pL | 111773 | Tartia AP, Rudraraju N... |