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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Light optimum for carbon dioxide uptake in deepest photosynthesizing red algae | Red algae | 0.05 | μmol/m^2/sec | 107741 | Lars Olof Bjorn, Effect... |
Total carbon of prokaryotes on earth as percent of carbon found in plants | prokaryote | ~60 to 100 | % | 108510 | William B. Whitman,*†... |
Effect of the carbon source on the concentrations of metabolites | Bacteria Escherichia coli | Table - link | N/A | 108042 | Bautista J, Satrústegui J... |
Duration of cell cycle phases for a typical cell with total cycle time of 24 hours | Human Homo sapiens | G1 phase ~11hours: S phase ~8hours: G2 ~4hours: M ~1hour | hours | 112260 | Cooper GM & Hausman RE... |
Global carbon budget for two time periods | Biosphere | Table - link | Pg C/year | 110924 | Pan Y et al., A large... |
Carbon and eletron recoveries and oxidation-reduction balance in the acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation | Unspecified | Table - link | N/A | 106821 | Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey... |
Fraction of cell cycle spent in interphase | Unspecified | >= (≥90) | % | 105964 | Müller I, Boyle S, Singer RH... |
Sources of nucleotide carbon if glucose, glutamine, and serine are assumed to be the sole carbon sources | Mammalian tissue culture cell | glucose 60%-80%: glutamine 10%-20%: serine ~15% | % | 116052 | Hosios AM et al., Amino... |
Average carbon-carbon bond length projected on the hydrocarbon chain | Unspecified | 0.126 | nm | 109594 | Boal David, Mechanics... |
Amount of carbon stored as soil organic carbon (SOC) globally | Biosphere | almost 3,000 (>50% of which in subsoil, deeper than 20cm) | Pg C | 113322 | Hicks Pries CE, Castanha C... |
Average number of luxR mRNAs transcribed during cell cycle | Bacteria Vibrio harveyi | ~11 | mRNAs/cell cycle | 111008 | Teng SW. et al., Measurement... |
Summary of 6 carbon fixation pathways | Various | Table - link | N/A | 106519 | Boyle NR, Morgan JA.... |
Duration of G1 stage of cell cycle | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | ~30 figure - link | min | 104922 | Laub MT, McAdams HH,... |
Duration of S stage of cell cycle | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | ~80 figure - link | min | 104923 | Laub MT, McAdams HH,... |
Duration of G2 stage of cell cycle | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | ~25 figure - link | min | 104924 | Laub MT, McAdams HH,... |
Fraction of RubisCO catalysis events that are carboxylation and oxygenation at 25˚C | Unspecified | carboxylation 78%: oxygenation 22% | % | 111958 | Misra JB. Integrated... |
Carbon stored in the Amazonas forest | Biosphere | 120 (+/- 30) | Peta g carbon | 100933 | Climate Change, Deforestation... |
Translation bursts of tsr-venus fusion protein per cell cycle | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 1.2 | per cell cycle | 102046 | X. Sunney Xie, Paul J. Choi... |
Duration of cell cycle in early embryo | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | ~8 | Minutes | 108577 | David O Morgan, The cell... |
Lifetime of Bicoid in early cycle 14 | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 36 | min | 109194 | Drocco JA, Grimm O, Tank DW... |