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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Size of nucleomorph genome | Algae Chlorarachniophyte CCMP621 | 380 | kb | 106678 | Gilson PR. Nucleomorph... |
Base substitution transcription error rate | Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans | ~4e-6 | misincorporations/site | 110503 | Gout JF, Thomas WK, Smith Z... |
Length of a DNA sequence that would occur statistically only once in chromosome | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 11 | base pairs | 102071 | Benno Muller-hill, 1996... |
Genome size | Bacteriophage T7 | 39936 | bp | 109732 | Dunn JJ, Studier FW.... |
Number of SNPs in genome | Chicken Gallus gallus | 2.8e+6 | Unitless | 103885 | Wong GK et al, A genetic... |
Mutation rate | Plants | Spruce (Picea spp.) 2.2×10^-9: Oryza glaberrima (African rice) 1.8×10^-8 | mutations/base/year | 113650 | Nystedt B et al., The... |
Length of GAGA transcription factor recognition target | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 7 (Table - link) | bp | 100117 | Nalefski EA, Nebelitsky E... |
Length of nucleosome linker | Eukaryotes | 10 | bp | 102987 | Widom J. Structure, dynamics... |
Genome size (Golden Path Length) | Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes | 3.31e+9 | bp | 111390 | Chimpanzee assembly and... |
Mutation per base pair per generation (germline mutation) | Human Homo sapiens | 1E-08 | mutation/bp/generation | 105813 | 1000 Genomes Project... |
Rate of DNA base damage events | Unspecified | >10,000 | Events/cell/day | 106953 | Jacobs AL, Schär P. DNA... |
DNA helix rise per base pair | Generic | 0.34 | nm | 100667 | Arnott S, Chandrasekaran R... |
RNA base ratios by two methods | Bacteria Mycoplasma gallisepticum | Table - link | N/A | 108156 | Morowitz HJ, Tourtellotte ME... |
Mutation rate per base pair per replication | Bread mold Neurospora crassa | 7.2E-11 | mutation/bp/replication | 100350 | Drake et. al., Genetics... |
Mutation rate per base pair per replication | Bacteriophages T2 and T4 | 2.4E-08 | mutation/bp/replication | 100228 | Drake JW, Charlesworth B... |
Ratio between effective in vivo DNA concentration and in vitro chemical concentration | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 0.1 | unitless | 102069 | Benno Muller-hill, 1996... |
Distance from center to center of ribosomes on polysome | Sea urchin Lytechinus pictus | ~135 | bases | 107677 | Ben-Tabou de-Leon S,... |
Typical eukaryote gene size including introns and exons | Eukaryotes | ~30 | kb | 107675 | Ben-Tabou de-Leon S,... |
Average size of mRNA molecules in sea urchin embryos | Sea urchin | ~2.5 | kb | 107676 | Ben-Tabou de-Leon S,... |
Genome size | Bacteriophage Lambda | 48502 | bp | 105770 | Sanger F, Coulson AR... |