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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Average velocity of GUV (giant unilamellar vesicle) Unspecified 0.09 (±0.06) μm/sec 109128 Leduc C et al., Cooperative...
Fast axonal transport in dorsal root ganglion cell Cat ≤5µm/sec (equivalent to ≤432mm/day) N/A 112232 Vale RD, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS...
Fraction of V. fischeri out of ambient seawater bacteria Bacteria Vibrio fischeri 0.01 - 0.15 % 114155 Thompson LR et al., ...
Locomotive behaviour exhibited by giant clam larvae Giant clams (Bivalvia: Cardiidae: Tridacninae) Table - link N/A 114539 Soo P, Todd PA. The behaviour...
Distribution of signaling-related ATP usage among different cellular mechanisms when the mean firing rate of neurons is 4Hz Eukaryotes Figure - link % 108673 Attwell D, Laughlin SB....
Charge unbalance for potassium,Sodium and chloride after Action Potential Various Table - link N/A 104235 Aiello GL, Bach-y-Rita...
Average G-/F- (Globular-/filamentous-) actin ratio in the lamellipodium of migrating fibroblasts from chick heart Chicken Gallus gallus of migrating cells 0.22±0.01: of non-migrating cells 0.37±0.01 unitless 112787 Cramer LP, Briggs LJ...
Composition of lacrimal fluid in eye Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 103649 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Characteristics of mammalian afferent fibers Mammals Table - link N/A 103652 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Rule of thumb for membrane capacitance Generic 1 μF/cm^2 104078 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Percent of axoplasm that is protein Eukaryotes ~2 % 108996 Fulton AB. How crowded...
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber Cockroach Periplaneta 9 to 12 m/s 108972 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Protein percentage by weight in red blood cells Eukaryotes 35 % 100421 "Cell movements - from...
Composition of aqueous fluid in eye Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 103648 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Comparison of ion concentrations inside and outside a typical mammalian cell Mammals Table - link mM 106428 Alberts, Molecular biology...
Free ion concentrations and equilibrium potentials for mammalian skeletal muscles Mammals Table - link N/A 106547 Hille B., Ion channels...
Protein fraction of cell by weight Unspecified 17 to 35 % 105908 Fulton AB. How crowded...
Total cellular actin concentration Unspecified 100 μM 109293 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Relative static permittivity (dielectric constant) of aqueous fluids constants 80 Unitless 104079 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Velocity of action potential in leg nerve isolated axons at 21°C Crab Carcinus 3 to 4 m/s 108962 Bullock TH, Horridge...