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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Number of chromosomes | Bread mold Neurospora crassa | 7 | chromosomes | 111376 | National Institutes of Health... |
Number of copies of the chromosome | Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 | 6.5 | copies/cell | 100515 | Bird AJ, Turner-Cavet JS... |
Genome size | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | 4.02e+6 (Table - link) | bp | 105497 | Nierman et al., Complete... |
Genome size - first free living organism to be sequenced | Bacteria Haemophilus influenzae | 1.83e+6 | bp | 105491 | Fleischmann RD et al.... |
Genome size - smallest genome of a free living bacteria | Mycoplasma genitalium | 5.8e+5 | bp | 105492 | Fraser CM, et al., The... |
Number of chromosomes | dog | 40 | chromosomes | 111393 | Kirkness EF et al., The... |
Time between starvation and expression of meiosis genes | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 12.4 (±2.4) | hours | 102527 | Nachman I, Regev A, ... |
Genome size | Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum | 3.4e+7 (Table - link) | bp | 105513 | Eichinger et al., The... |
Genome size | Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens | 9.8e+7 | bp | 105516 | Srivastava et al., The... |
Number of chromosomes (most of any known animal) | Red vizcacha rat Tympanoctomys barrerae | 102 | chromosomes | 110010 | Gallardo MH, González CA... |
Genome size | Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana | 1.36e+8 (27,416 coding genes) | bp | 111380 | EnsemblPlants, Arabidopsis... |
Number of chromosomes | Pufferfish Fugu rubripes | 22 | chromosomes | 111392 | Kai W et al., Integration... |
Density of sea water | Biosphere | ~1027 | kg/m^3 | 108511 | Windows to the universe... |
Osmolarity of sea water | Biosphere | 1000 | mOsm/l | 100802 | Peter J. Russell,Stephen... |
Density of sea water | Biosphere | 1.0236 | g/cm^3 | 105169 | Richard W. Eppley, Robert... |
Concentration in sea water | Virus | >10^8 | viruses/mL | 113508 | Weynberg KD, Allen MJ... |
Plant Empirical Transcription Rate (PETR) distribution | Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana | 38.47 ((in the ln space μ=3.65, sigma=1.13)) | transcripts/hour/cell | 117324 | Uriel Urquiza-García... |
Original estimate of genome size | Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana | 1.25e+8 | bp | 105472 | Arabidopsis Genome I... |
Genome size-smallest parasitic archaeal genome | Archaea Nanoarchaeum equitans | 4.91e+5 | bp | 105503 | Waters E et al., The... |
Estimated number of genes | Corn Zea mays | 42,000-56,000 | unitless | 105521 | Haberer et al., Structure... |