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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Maximum specific growth rate on glutamate Bacteria Clostridium sp. 0.3 to 0.6 Hour^-1 108749 Stanley Falkow, Eugene...
Number of serotypes of nontyphoid Salmonella Bacteria Salmonella sp. ~2000 serotypes 116145 Goldrick BA. Foodborne...
No. of genes Bacteria Buchnera sp. 610 (Table - link) unitless 105757 Rogozin IB et al., Congruent...
Number of atoms in Group I ribozyme Bacteria Azoarcus sp. 5543 Atoms 103041 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Number of active ATP synthases per mitochondrion Algae Ochromonas sp. 1000 - 5000 ATP synthases/mitochondrion 117336 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Cell volume Algae Ochromonas sp. 70 - 250 μm^3 117327 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Genome size Bacteria Rhodococcus sp. RHA1 9.7e+6 bp 104468 McLeod MP et al. The...
Kinetics of purified wild-type and mutant Rubiscos Cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. PCC6301 Table - link N/A 106095 Mueller-Cajar O, Whitney...
Maximum specific growth rate on aspartate Bacteria Campylobacter sp. ~0.17 Hour^-1 108750 Stanley Falkow, Eugene...
Composition of neutral sugars in pseudobulb Orchid Oncidium sp. Mannose 96.4%: arabinose 1.5%: galactose 0.9%: glucose 1.2% % 106656 Wang HL, Yeh KW, Chen PR...
Shell volume of Group I ribozyme Bacteria Azoarcus sp. 132763 A^3 103042 Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric...
Gene density Bacteria Buchnera sp. 0.95 genes/kb 105756 Rogozin IB, Makarova KS...
Date of large-scale gene duplication or whole-genome duplication Physcomitrella patens 30 - 60 Mya 113566 Rensing SA et al., An...
Measured steady-state pH and total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) values in semicontinuous cultures Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. Table - link N/A 108714 D. A. Hutchins, F. -X. Fu...
Mitochondrial cellular population Algae Ochromonas sp. 20 - 80 mitochondria /cell 117330 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Estimated mitochondrial power Algae Ochromonas sp. 0.3 - 1 pW (power/mitochondrion) 117333 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Cross section of fatty acid chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Bacteria Salmonella sp. 0.202 nm^2 103340 Nikaido Hiroshi, Outer...
Cross section of fatty acid chain of phospholipid in outer membrane Bacteria Salmonella sp. 0.234 nm^2 103341 Nikaido Hiroshi, Outer...
Calculated density of photochemical reaction centres in plasmalemma Cyanobacteria Gloeobacter sp. 18 nmol/m^2 105047 John A. Raven Functional...
Fraction of cell mass that is water Bacteria Arthrobacter sp. 68.1 (±1.2) % 105093 Illmer P, Erlebach C...