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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Largest known genome size (amount of DNA, 1C-value) | Plant Paris japonica | 152.23 (Table - link) | pg, corresponds to about 150 Gbp | 110278 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
Amount of DNA (1C-value, smallest of any plant) | Plant Genlisea aurea | 0.065 (Table - link) | pg | 110279 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
Plant DNA C-values Database | Plants | Database - link | N/A | 102726 | Royal botanic gardens at Kew... |
Genome size (Derived from C value, see measurement method) | Plant Fritillaria assyrica | 124.6 | Gbp | 111391 | Leitch IJ, Beaulieu JM... |
Genome size data available in land plants as of 2013 | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 110276 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
The fastest known processive motion of a single myosin XI molecules move along actin with 35 nm steps. | Plants | 7 | µm/s | 101356 | Tominaga M, Kojima H... |
Testosterone concentration in yolk | Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica | 0.36 | nmol per yolk | 102423 | Hackl R, Bromundt V,... |
Androstenedione concentration in yolk | Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica | 1.3 | nmol per yolk | 102422 | Hackl R, Bromundt V,... |
Progesterone concentration in outer layer of yolk | Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica | 2265 | nmol/kg | 102420 | Hackl R, Bromundt V,... |
Progesterone concentration in yolk | Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica | 4 | nmol per yolk | 102421 | Hackl R, Bromundt V,... |
Genome size | Chaos chaos | 1369 | Gbp | 117342 | Prof Gabriel Dorado,... |
Amount of extracted genome | Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) | nonreplicating genomic RNA 1μg/g leaf tissue: replicating genome 1mg/g leaf tissue | N/A | 111226 | Rao AL. Genome packaging... |
Size of spider web (largest known) | Bark spider Caerostris darwini | 900 to 28,000 | Cm^2 | 106968 | Matjaž Kuntner & Ingi... |
3C nuclear DNA content of five ephemeral species | Plants | Table - link | pg | 114315 | Bennett MD. Nuclear DNA... |
Genome size | Physcomitrella patens | 511 | Mbp | 104729 | G. Schween, G. Gorr, A. Hohe... |
Largest known bacterial genome size | Bacteria Sorangium cellulosum | 1.3e+7 | bp | 104469 | Schneiker S et al. Complete... |
Length of spider web (largest known) | Bark spider Caerostris darwini | 25 | meters | 116184 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Sequenced plant genomes | Plants | Site - link | N/A | 110561 | https://genomevoluti... |
Speed of snapping - one of fastest movements in plant kingdom | Plant Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula | 100 | msec | 106630 | Forterre Y, Skotheim JM... |
Speed of communicating signal within plant | Plants | fastest ~1m/sec: slowest (some hormones) ~1cm/hour: most (thorough vascular system) 1-8mm/sec | N/A | 113538 | Trewavas A. The foundations... |