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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Range of genome sizes of dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates 1.5 coral symbiont Symbiodinium: to 185 Lingulodinium polyedrum Gb 107517 Wisecaver JH, Hackett...
Gene copy numbers documented to date (as of 2009) Dinoflagellates Table - link gene copy number per genome 112818 Hou Y, Lin S. Distinct...
Fraction of thymines in DNA that are replaced by the unusual base, 5-hydroxymethyluracil (HOMedU) Dinoflagellates 16 – 28 % of the thymines 114600 Soyer-Gobillard MO, Dolan...
Divergence of dinoflagellates and apicomplexans Eukaryotes 800 to 900 Mya 107516 Wisecaver JH, Hackett...
Number of genes in mitochondrial genome Dinoflagellates 3 protein coding: 2 highly fragmented rRNAs: 0 tRNAs Genes 107518 Wisecaver JH, Hackett...
Swimming rate of Gyrodinium spp. Dinoflagellates 319 (220 - 360) µm/sec 111432 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Swimming rate of Gonyaulax spp. Dinoflagellates 250 (175 - 325) µm/sec 111433 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Range of genome sizes (Equivalent to Symbiodinium spp. 3×10^6kbp to Prorocentrum micans 245×10^6 kbp) Dinoflagellates coral reef symbiont Symbiodinium spp. 1.5-4.8 (average ∼3): Prorocentrum micans 250 pg DNA/haploid genome 112817 Hou Y, Lin S. Distinct...
High- and low-light acclimation of zooxanthellae Stylophora pistillata Dinoflagellates Table - link N/A 114538 Iluz D, Dubinsky Z. Coral...
Population density of dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium in coral tissue Coral ~10^6 cells/cm^2 of coral tissue 114525 Blackall LL, Wilson B...
Fraction of the energy requirement of the coral animal that is supplied by dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium Coral ≤~95 % of energy requirement 114524 Blackall LL, Wilson B...
Isotropical outward expansion rate of colony after 2 hours lag time Bacteria Bacillus subtilis 3.9 µm/sec 105543 Zhang HP, Be'er A, Florin EL...
Swimming rate Tetrahymena thermophila 247 (Table - link) µm/sec 111429 Goodenough UW. Motile...
Swimming rate Chlamydomonas reinhardtii vegetative cell 133: gamete 174 Table - link µm/sec 111430 Goodenough UW. Motile...
Fraction of earth's upper oceans occupied by coral reefs and fraction of the globe's marine species they provide habitat for Biosphere <0.1% of earth's upper oceans: ~25% of the globe's marine species % 114509 Blackall LL, Wilson B...
Fraction of sponges within a community in which the presence of photosynthetic symbionts can occur Sponges phylum Porifera ≤85 % 114511 Blackall LL, Wilson B...
Number of described Scelerantinian corals (stony corals or hard corals) as of 1999 Coral ~1300 described scleractinian species 114510 Blackall LL, Wilson B...
Number of Symbiodinium cells within a M. dinoferus cell Ciliate Maristentor dinoferus 500 - 800 Symbiodinium cells/M. dinoferus cell 114540 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Genome Size Pig Sus species 2.7 Gb 112105 Chen K, Baxter T, Muir WM...
Linear dimensions and volume, C and N quota, density, and C:N ratios of dinoflagellate species Protists Table - link N/A 107970 Susanne Menden-Deuer...