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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Speed of generally slow cells at 5ppm copper concentration Tetrahymena thermophila 250 (±30 220 - 280) µm/sec 111434 Benjamin Bower, Sarah Fisher...
Speed of generally fast cells at 5ppm copper concentration Tetrahymena thermophila 350 (±40) µm/sec 111435 Benjamin Bower, Sarah Fisher...
Concentration of freshwater ciliates in warm summers Ciliate spp. Euplotes daidaleos ≤2,500: Halteria viridis ≤700 cells/ml 114555 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Cell volume Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7.3 (±3) µm^3 114949 Haddad SA, Lindegren...
Cell volume Bacteria Rickettsia prowazekii 0.09 µm^3 114934 Pang H, Winkler HH.The...
Dimensions (assuming cell shape to be a prolate ellipsoid) Tetrahymena thermophila a=0.25µm: b=0.1µm µm 114966 Jauker F, Lades S, Nowack...
Swimming rate Tetrahymena thermophila 247 (Table - link) µm/sec 111429 Goodenough UW. Motile...
Number of algae (Chlorogonium sp.) in a single cell Ciliate Histiobalantium natans ≤90 algae/cell 114556 G.F. Esteban, K.J. Clarke...
Number of Symbiodinium cells within a M. dinoferus cell Ciliate Maristentor dinoferus 500 - 800 Symbiodinium cells/M. dinoferus cell 114540 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
When deprived of food M. rubrum can multiply for Ciliate Mesodinium rubrum 3 - 4 generations 114544 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Time it takes a cell deprived of light and food to digest all its green endosymbionts Ciliate Paramecium bursaria ≤2 months 114549 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Total energy expenditure and swimming power (Ps) Ciliate Paramecium caudatum total expenditure 4.02e–6 swimming power 2.84e–6 J/hour 110788 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...
Fraction of energy used for swimming Ciliate Paramecium caudatum ~70 % 110784 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...
Power of swimming (mechanical work done per unit time) Ciliate Paramecium caudatum 3.4e-9 (0.004–0.09% of total energy expenditure) J/hour 110783 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...
Length and number of cilia Ciliate Paramecium spp. length 100µm - 300µm: number of cilia 5,000 - 6,000 N/A 112283 Martinac B, Saimi Y,...
Number of Chlorella cells that can be harboured in the cytoplasm Ciliate peritrich Ophrydium versatile >1,200 Chlorella cells/cytoplasm 114548 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Standard metabolic rate (SMR) of a single cell Ciliate Paramecium caudatum 1.18E-06 J/hour 110787 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...
Area of protein-protein interaction surface in ribosomal subunits Tetrahymena thermophila 40S subunit ~25,000Å^2: 30S subunit ~6,500Å^2 Å^2 111937 Rabl J, Leibundgut M...
Number of genes (one of the gene-richest organisms) Ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia 40000 (Table - link) unitless 105796 Aury JM, et al., Global...
Ratio of oxygen consumption rate per cell with stirring to that without stirring Ciliate Paramecium caudatum 0.97 (±0.56) unitless 110785 Katsu-Kimura Y, Nakaya F...