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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Genomic substitution rates (U) per generation in bacteria bacteria Table - link N/A 105029 Ochman H, Elwyn S, Moran...
Typical signal peptide length in Gram positive bacteria bacteria <100 amino acids/peptide 112000 Pai A, You L: Optimal...
Typical effective population size of free-living bacteria bacteria >10^8, often in the range of 10^9-10^10 cells 112121 Michael Lynch and Georgi...
Fundemental frequency of oscillation of light-emitting bacteria bacteria 8 cycles/sec 116498 Haas E. Bioluminescence...
Relative mass of elements and relative amount of elements in arsenic-tolerant bacteria in sponge Theonella swinhoei bacteria Table - link % 113274 Keren R, Lavy A, Mayzel B...
Cellular protein:volume (w/v) ratio in pelagic bacteria with different volumes bacteria volume 0.4µm^3 15.2%: volume 0.026µm^3 46.5 % 115317 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
Percent of the dry weight of bacteria that is nitrogen bacteria ~10 % 109087 Gerhard Gottschalk, Bacterial...
Charateristics of bacteria and strain Z-0001T Bacteria Thermincola carboxydophila Table - link N/A 106778 Zavarzina DG, Sokolova TG...
CyberCell Project - statistics on the bacteria E.coli Bacteria Escherichia coli Database - link N/A 100599 http://redpoll.pharm...
C/volume ratio and ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen relative to carbon of bacteria from different locations and cultures bacteria Table - link N/A 106714 Kjell Magne Fagerbakke...
Database of viable count growth and survival curves of bacteria bacteria Database: link N/A 105713 Baranyi J. and Tamplin...
Occurrence, concentrations, distribution of the mucosal bacteria, and the percentage of bacteria accessible by FISH Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 112361 Swidsinski A, Weber J...
Biomass C of bacteria in a glucose-amended field soil bacteria Table - link μg C/g soil 109515 Editors Madilyn Fletcher...
Volumes and element content of bacteria from different locations and cultures bacteria Table - link N/A 106713 Kjell Magne Fagerbakke...
Requirement of iron for maximal growth of some bacteria bacteria Table - link μg/ml 108819 Charles E. Lankford and...
Thickness of layers of envelope in Gram-negative bacteria bacteria Table - link N/A 105389 Rogers, Perkins and Ward...
Number of species of bacteria in mammalian large intestine bacteria 400-500 unitless 105655 Peekhaus N, Conway T....
Fraction of pelagic bacteria dry weight that is DNA bacteria volume 0.026µm^3 13%: volume 0.4µm^3 5%: in E. coli 3 % 115329 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
If they are rod shaped bacteria measure chemical gradients better bacteria ~650 times 115615 Young KD. The selective...
Costs in AAP [aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic] bacteria to construct a PSU [photosynthetic unit] bacteria Table - link N/A 111299 Kirchman DL, Hanson TE....