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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Examples of long-term survival of bacteria bacteria Table - link Years 109516 Editors Madilyn Fletcher...
Percent of human feces that consists of bacteria bacteria ~30 % 108514 J. van Houte, R. J. Gibbons...
Concentration of bacteria in saliva Human Homo sapiens 1e+9 bacteria/ml 105708 Berg RD. The indigenous...
Growth yields of selected bacteria growing anaerobically bacteria Table - link N/A 105832 Harold, F. M. The Vital...
Volumes of bacteria from different aquatic locations bacteria 0.11 to 0.41 Table - link μm^3 106715 Kjell Magne Fagerbakke...
Thickness of murein in Gram positive bacteria bacteria 20 to 80 nm 106723 Reith J, Mayer C. Pe...
Fraction of marine bacteria that are motile bacteria 20-60 % 110359 Stocker R. Marine microbes...
Proton motive force [PMF] of most bacteria bacteria <200 mV 111698 Claassens NJ, Volpers M...
Dry weight per cell volume in bacteria bacteria 0.33 (0.12-0.33) g dryweight per cubic centimeter cell volume 110388 Bakken L, Olsen RA (1983)...
Carbon content of bacteria in subseafloor sediment bacteria 14 fg C/cell 115339 Braun S et al., Size...
Concentration of methanogenic bacteria in feces Mammals swine 10^8: human 10^7: cattle 10^6: rabbit 10^4 bacteria/g dry weight 112898 Sorlini, C., Brusa, T....
Genome size (smallest of endosymbiont bacteria) Bacteria Hodgkinia cicadicola 143795 bps 108693 McCutcheon JP, McDonald BR...
Cell diameter (largest of any bacteria) Bacteria Thiomargarita namibiensis 180 (100-750) µm 102207 Schulz HN, Brinkhoff T...
Average, (standard deviation), & median lifetime of mRNA in exponentially growing bacteria and stationary phase bacteria Bacteria Escherichia coli Exponential mean 4.1 (s.d. 6.2) median 2.8: stationary mean 7.8 (s.d. 48.1) median 4.6 min 112328 Chen H, Shiroguchi K...
Swimming speed of marine bacteria in natural population bacteria 100 - 400 μm/sec 110073 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Concentration of bacteria in dental plaque Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 bacteria/g 105709 Berg RD. The indigenous...
Elemental chemical composition (C:N:P ratio) in marine bacteria bacteria 45C:9N:1P Molar ratio 106710 J. C. Goldman, D. A. Caron...
Number of bacteria in oceans - 10^7 times more than number of stars in known universe Biosphere 3E+28 Bacteria 106620 Copley J. All at sea....
Concentration of anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria in feces Mammals human 10^11: swine 10^11: cattle 10^11: rabbit 10^10 bacteria/g dry weight 112899 Sorlini, C., Brusa, T....
Deposition rates of bacteria Biosphere by atmospheric washout 0.88e7 - 5.78e7: by sedimentation 0.55e7 - 2.80e7 cells/m^2/day 114908 Reche I, D'Orta G, Mladenov N...