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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Length above which bacteria Serratia liquefaciens cells cannot be consumed by ciliate Tetrahymena sp. | Bacteria Serratia liquefaciens | 15 | µm | 115627 | Young KD. The selective... |
Length of marine bacteria | bacteria | 0.2 - 0.6 | µm | 112299 | Mitchell JG, Pearson L... |
Fraction of all bacteria isolated from the gastrointestinal tracts of rodents that is M. schaedleri | Bacteria Mucispirillum schaedleri | ~27 | % | 115618 | Young KD. The selective... |
Percentage of phytoplankton (including bacteria) grazed per day | Biosphere | 25%-100% | % | 115619 | Young KD. The selective... |
Diameter of bacteria which B. saltans can ingest | Protozoa Bodo saltans | <3 | µm | 115628 | Young KD. The selective... |
Mesh size of filter through which bacteria is inhaled | Cladocera Bosmina longirostris | 0.43 - 0.97 | µm | 115727 | Young KD. The selective... |
Most efficient cell diameters for chemotaxis | bacteria | Table - link | µm | 115614 | Young KD. The selective... |
Fraction of a cell's surface that is in direct atomic contact with an adjoining surface (assuming that each surface is perfectly smooth and without projections) | bacteria | <0.1% | % | 115598 | Young KD. The selective... |
Doubling time in contact lens disinfectant solution | Bacteria Serratia marcescens | 5.7 | Hours | 108370 | Gandhi PA, Sawant AD... |
Length of rumen ciliates | Ciliate spp. | ~20 - 200 | µm | 112829 | Yokoyama MG, Johnson... |
Length of rod-shaped bacterial cells that are too large for feeding by Daphnia magna | Crustacean Daphnia magna | >6 | µm | 115629 | Young KD. The selective... |
Length of bacterial cells Cyclidium spp. have difficulty feeding on | Protozoa Cyclidium spp. | >4 - 5 | µm | 115654 | Young KD. The selective... |
Length of bacterial cell filaments that can be grazed by mixotrophic nanoflagellate Ochromonas | Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. | ≤14 | µm | 115656 | Young KD. The selective... |
Maximum speed of marine bacteria | bacteria | maximum community speed 144µm/sec: maximum individual burst velocity 407µm/sec | µm/sec | 112302 | Mitchell JG, Pearson L... |
Number of bacteria in ocean | Biosphere | 1E+29 | Bacteria | 108286 | Lawrence R . Pomeroy... |
Size of rumen bacteria | bacteria | 0.3 to 50 | µm | 112827 | Yokoyama MG, Johnson... |
Fraction of all bacteria in the surface ocean that are aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria | bacteria | 1% to 30% | % | 111294 | Kirchman DL, Hanson TE.... |
Redox reactions in chemolithotrophic bacteria | bacteria | Table - link | N/A | 104414 | Gerhard Michal, Biochemical... |
Isoelectric points of various bacteria | bacteria | Table - link | pH | 109121 | Harden VP, Harris JO.... |
Size of bacteria in rumen | bacteria | diameter 0.4-1.0µm: length 1-3µm | µm | 112390 | Hungate, R. E. (1966)... |