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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
General features of the genome of Synechococcus UTEX 2973 compared to genomes of other related cyanobacteria | Cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112487 | Yu J et al., Synechococcus... |
Intracellular osmolarity | Chlamydomonas spp. | 85 | osmol/m^3 | 112732 | Raven JA, Doblin MA.... |
Cell diameter (largest of any bacteria) | Bacteria Thiomargarita namibiensis | 180 (100-750) | µm | 102207 | Schulz HN, Brinkhoff T... |
Estimated synthetic rates in Euglena as a function of light intensity | Protist Euglena spp. | Table - link | N/A | 110196 | Cook JR. Adaptations... |
Average doubling time of bacteria in the mammalian gut | bacteria | 2.7 - 2.9 | hours | 117322 | Rosenberg E. and Zil... |
Variation in chromosome size | Grass spp. | among species >30: within species 2 to 3 | fold | 108218 | Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total... |
Examples of long-term survival of bacteria | bacteria | Table - link | Years | 109516 | Editors Madilyn Fletcher... |
Data on DNA content, cell volume and minimum doubling time for twelve species of ciliates | Ciliate spp. | Table - link | N/A | 110493 | B. J. Shuter, J. E. Thomas... |
Genome size of coronaviruses | Coronavirus spp. | 27 to 32 | kb | 105973 | Ruan YJ et al., Comparative... |
Specific carbon content | Flagellate spp. | 96.1 | fgC/μm^3 | 108151 | Knut Yngve Borsheim &... |
Percent of human feces that consists of bacteria | bacteria | ~30 | % | 108514 | J. van Houte, R. J. Gibbons... |
Concentration of bacteria in saliva | Human Homo sapiens | 1e+9 | bacteria/ml | 105708 | Berg RD. The indigenous... |
Volumes of bacteria from different aquatic locations | bacteria | 0.11 to 0.41 Table - link | μm^3 | 106715 | Kjell Magne Fagerbakke... |
Thickness of murein in Gram positive bacteria | bacteria | 20 to 80 | nm | 106723 | Reith J, Mayer C. Pe... |
Fraction of marine bacteria that are motile | bacteria | 20-60 | % | 110359 | Stocker R. Marine microbes... |
Proton motive force [PMF] of most bacteria | bacteria | <200 | mV | 111698 | Claassens NJ, Volpers M... |
Dry weight per cell volume in bacteria | bacteria | 0.33 (0.12-0.33) | g dryweight per cubic centimeter cell volume | 110388 | Bakken L, Olsen RA (1983)... |
Carbon content of bacteria in subseafloor sediment | bacteria | 14 | fg C/cell | 115339 | Braun S et al., Size... |
Experimentally inferred neutral mutation rate | Drosophila spp. | 3.46х10^-9 | 1/bp/generation | 108233 | Obbard DJ, Maclennan J... |
Number of protein-coding genes | Grass spp. | Brachypodium distachyon 25,532: rice 28,236: sorghum 27,640 | genes | 111735 | International Brachypodium... |