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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Size of disk-shaped cells (smallest reported archaea) Archaea Thermodiscus spp. diameter ≥0.2μm: disk-thickness 0.1–0.2μm μm 110071 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Length of bacterial cells selected for predation by Ochromonas Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. <0.9 µm 115728 Young KD. The selective...
Number of rod-shaped bacterial cells in small, filamentous, or stellate chains that survive Ochromonas predation Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. ≤900 cells per chain 115657 Young KD. The selective...
Daughter cell dimensions (eight or more daughter cells are attached to one another to form short filaments) Bacteria Simonsiella spp. with respect to length of the filament 0.5μm - 1.3μm: width 1.9μm to 6.4μm μm 115599 Young KD. The selective...
Wingspan of Meganeura spp., extinct flying insects ~3 times the size of the largest flying insects today Insect >65 - 71 cm 113319 Smith et al., Body size...
Half-life of CR-actin in epithelial keratocytes Goldfish Carassius spp. 3.8 (±1) min 109824 Theriot JA, Mitchison...
Number of protein coding genes Coronavirus spp. 23 Unitless 105974 Ruan YJ et al., Comparative...
Experimentally inferred neutral mutation rate Drosophila spp. 3.46х10^-9 1/bp/generation 108233 Obbard DJ, Maclennan J...
Speed of intraflagellar transport Chlamydomonas spp. 2.0 from base to tip: 3.5 from tip to base μm/sec 108071 Scholey JM. Intraflagellar...
Carbon conversion factor Chlamydomonas spp. 220 fgC/µm^3 108152 Knut Yngve Borsheim &...
Monas sp. volume estimates after preservation as percent of live volume Chlamydomonas spp. Table - link N/A 108149 Knut Yngve Borsheim &...
Variation in chromosome size Grass spp. among species >30: within species 2 to 3 fold 108218 Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total...
Number of chromosomes in haploid complement of ten species Grass spp. 7 to 21 Chromosomes 108219 Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total...
Divergence time of Brachypodium distachyon from Grass spp. wheat 32–39 Myr ago: rice 40–53 Myr ago: sorghum 45–60 Myr ag Myr ago 111737 International Brachypodium...
Number of protein-coding genes Grass spp. Brachypodium distachyon 25,532: rice 28,236: sorghum 27,640 genes 111735 International Brachypodium...
Fraction of genome that is retrotransposon sequences Grass spp. Brachypodium distachyon 21.4% rice 26% sorghum 54% wheat >80% % 111736 International Brachypodium...
Intracellular osmolarity Chlamydomonas spp. 85 osmol/m^3 112732 Raven JA, Doblin MA....
Values for hypothetical Ca2+ transporters in coccolith vesicle membrane Coccolithophore spp. Table - link N/A 112555 Holtz LM, Thoms S, Langer G...
Average number of living cryptomonad cells harbored by ciliate Ciliate spp. 8 cryptomonads/cell 114545 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...
Concentration of freshwater ciliates in warm summers Ciliate spp. Euplotes daidaleos ≤2,500: Halteria viridis ≤700 cells/ml 114555 Esteban GF, Fenchel T...