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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Size of disk-shaped cells (smallest reported archaea) | Archaea Thermodiscus spp. | diameter ≥0.2μm: disk-thickness 0.1–0.2μm | μm | 110071 | Schulz HN, Jorgensen... |
Length of bacterial cells selected for predation by Ochromonas | Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. | <0.9 | µm | 115728 | Young KD. The selective... |
Number of rod-shaped bacterial cells in small, filamentous, or stellate chains that survive Ochromonas predation | Nanoflagellate Ochromonas spp. | ≤900 | cells per chain | 115657 | Young KD. The selective... |
Daughter cell dimensions (eight or more daughter cells are attached to one another to form short filaments) | Bacteria Simonsiella spp. | with respect to length of the filament 0.5μm - 1.3μm: width 1.9μm to 6.4μm | μm | 115599 | Young KD. The selective... |
Wingspan of Meganeura spp., extinct flying insects ~3 times the size of the largest flying insects today | Insect | >65 - 71 | cm | 113319 | Smith et al., Body size... |
Half-life of CR-actin in epithelial keratocytes | Goldfish Carassius spp. | 3.8 (±1) | min | 109824 | Theriot JA, Mitchison... |
Number of protein coding genes | Coronavirus spp. | 23 | Unitless | 105974 | Ruan YJ et al., Comparative... |
Experimentally inferred neutral mutation rate | Drosophila spp. | 3.46х10^-9 | 1/bp/generation | 108233 | Obbard DJ, Maclennan J... |
Speed of intraflagellar transport | Chlamydomonas spp. | 2.0 from base to tip: 3.5 from tip to base | μm/sec | 108071 | Scholey JM. Intraflagellar... |
Carbon conversion factor | Chlamydomonas spp. | 220 | fgC/µm^3 | 108152 | Knut Yngve Borsheim &... |
Monas sp. volume estimates after preservation as percent of live volume | Chlamydomonas spp. | Table - link | N/A | 108149 | Knut Yngve Borsheim &... |
Variation in chromosome size | Grass spp. | among species >30: within species 2 to 3 | fold | 108218 | Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total... |
Number of chromosomes in haploid complement of ten species | Grass spp. | 7 to 21 | Chromosomes | 108219 | Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total... |
Divergence time of Brachypodium distachyon from | Grass spp. | wheat 32–39 Myr ago: rice 40–53 Myr ago: sorghum 45–60 Myr ag | Myr ago | 111737 | International Brachypodium... |
Number of protein-coding genes | Grass spp. | Brachypodium distachyon 25,532: rice 28,236: sorghum 27,640 | genes | 111735 | International Brachypodium... |
Fraction of genome that is retrotransposon sequences | Grass spp. | Brachypodium distachyon 21.4% rice 26% sorghum 54% wheat >80% | % | 111736 | International Brachypodium... |
Intracellular osmolarity | Chlamydomonas spp. | 85 | osmol/m^3 | 112732 | Raven JA, Doblin MA.... |
Values for hypothetical Ca2+ transporters in coccolith vesicle membrane | Coccolithophore spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112555 | Holtz LM, Thoms S, Langer G... |
Average number of living cryptomonad cells harbored by ciliate | Ciliate spp. | 8 | cryptomonads/cell | 114545 | Esteban GF, Fenchel T... |
Concentration of freshwater ciliates in warm summers | Ciliate spp. | Euplotes daidaleos ≤2,500: Halteria viridis ≤700 | cells/ml | 114555 | Esteban GF, Fenchel T... |