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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Dimensions | Algae Chlamydomonas nivalis | Cell length 12.5-15 μm: cell width 8.7-10 μm (in motile cells): 22.5 x 17.5 μm (in non-motile cells) | μm | 108781 | Kim GH, Klochkova TA... |
Number of species in Chlamydomonas genus | Green algae Chlamydomonas | >450 | Species | 107477 | Editor(s): Dr. Robert... |
Comparison of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii swimming speeds | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 56.8 - 58.7 Table - link | μm/sec | 108086 | Ojakian GK, Katz DF.... |
Ion selectivity of Chlamydomonas MSC1 [mechanosensitive channel 1] expressed in E. coli | Algae Chlamydomonas spp. | PK : PCl : PBr : PI = 1: 7 : 9 : 9 | N/A | 112286 | Martinac B, Saimi Y,... |
Dimensions | Algae Meridion circulare | Cell length 25-42.5 μm: cell width 2.5-5 μm (narrowest part): 5-10 μm (broadest part) | μm | 108782 | Kim GH, Klochkova TA... |
Dimensions | Algae Tabellaria fenestrata | Cell length 17.5-42.5 μm: cell width 3-6.3 μm | μm | 108783 | Kim GH, Klochkova TA... |
Fraction of dry weight that is lipid in some algae | Algae | 50 - 60 | % | 111669 | Griffiths MJ, Harrison... |
Permeability (Lp) values (m/s/Pa) for various micro-algae | Algae | Table - link | m×s^-1×Pa^-1 | 112729 | John A Raven. The energetics... |
P700 per cell | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 3.9-7.5 | mol/cell×10^-18 | 100850 | Polle JE, Benemann JR... |
Quinone A (QA) per cell | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 6.4-6.9 | mol/cell*10^-18 | 100851 | Polle JE, Benemann JR... |
Chlorophyll pigments (Chl a & b) per cell | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 2.4-3.5 | mol/cellх10^-15 | 100852 | Polle JE, Benemann JR... |
Ratio of chlorophyll a/b | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 2.7-3.2 | unitless | 100848 | Polle JE, Benemann JR... |
Ratio of PSII/PSI | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 0.9-1.8 | unitless | 100849 | Polle JE, Benemann JR... |
Number of genomes in plastid | Green algae Chlamydomonas | 5-80 | copies/plastid | 102765 | Staub JM, Maliga P. Long... |
Appearance of armoured algae | Algae | ~770 | Mya | 113584 | Olivia P. Judson, The... |
Substrate levels during H2 production | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | Table - link | N/A | 107263 | Melis A, Zhang L, Forestier M... |
Number of chlorophyll pigments per PSI | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 240 | unitless | 100846 | Artificial photosynthesis... |
Number of chlorophyll pigments per PSII | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 230 | unitless | 100847 | Artificial photosynthesis... |
Carbonic anhydrases levels measured with the Mass Western | Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | Table - link | N/A | 109713 | Wienkoop et al., Targeted... |
Number of plastid per cell | Green algae Chlamydomonas | 1 | plastid/cell | 102766 | Staub JM, Maliga P. Long... |