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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Rule of thumb for time it takes a protein to diffuse across the cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 0.01 sec 103801 "Physical Biology of...
Percentage of biofilm mass taken by extracellular matrix Bacteria 85 % 101846 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the protein concentration in cytoplasm Unspecified 300 mg/ml 101831 "Physical Biology of...
Percentage of biofilm mass taken by cells Bacteria 15 % 101847 Physical Biology of the Cell...
Rule of thumb for KbT Biosphere 4 pN×nM 101858 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the cell cycle (generation time) Bacteria Escherichia coli 3000 sec 101790 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the number of water molecules per cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 2e+10 water molecules 101851 "Physical Biology of...
Time required for the diffusion of the transmitter across the synaptic gap Squid 1 µsec 102702 Llinás R, Steinberg IZ...
Rule of thumb for time it takes a metabolite (lactate) to diffuse across the cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 1e-3 sec 104674 Calculated according...
Rule of thumb for time it takes a small molecule (lactate) to diffuse across the cell Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.01 sec 104675 Calculated according...
Rule of thumb for time it takes a metabolite (lactate) to diffuse across the cell Human Homo sapiens 0.1 sec 104676 Calculated according...
'Rule of thumb' for diffusion coefficient of typical protein in water Generic 100 μm^2/sec 104058 "Physical Biology of...
Rule of thumb for time it takes hemoglobin to diffuse across erythrocyte Human Homo sapiens 1 sec 104106 Calculated according...
Rule of thumb for time it takes protein to diffuse across HeLa cell Human Homo sapiens 10 sec 105339 Calculated according...
'Rule of thumb' for time it takes a protein to diffuse across the cell Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.5 sec 104525 Calculated according...