Increase in Dpp signaling output in one cell cycle

Range ≈50 %
Organism Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Reference Wartlick O, Jülicher F, Gonzalez-Gaitan M. Growth control by a moving morphogen gradient during Drosophila eye development. Development. 2014 May141(9):1884-93. doi: 10.1242/dev.105650. p.1886 right column bottom paragraph.PubMed ID24757005
Primary Source Wartlick O. et al., (2011). Dynamics of Dpp signaling and proliferation control. Science 331, 1154-1159. doi:10.1126/science.1200037PubMed ID21385708
Method Primary source abstract:"To understand the mechanism of proliferation control by the Dpp gradient, [investigators] quantified Dpp concentration and signaling levels during wing disc growth."
Comments P.1886 right column bottom paragraph:"[Investigators] recently proposed a ‘temporal growth model’, where the growth rate g is determined by relative temporal increases in morphogen signaling levels as g=(ln2/α)﮲Ccell/Ccell. Here α describes the percentage by which signaling increases during one cell cycle. In the wing disc, the value of α for a Dpp signaling output was estimated to be around 50% (α=0.5) (primary source)." See primary source p.1154 right column 2nd paragraph:"The Dpp concentration increases, on average, by 40% during each cell cycle." Morphogen Dpp="one of several Drosophila factors controlling morphogenetic growth, in the developing eye."
Entered by Uri M
ID 112070