Maturation time of GFPem fluorescent protein in cell-free system

Value 5.3 Min
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Katranidis A. et al. Fast biosynthesis of GFP molecules: a single-molecule fluorescence study. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2009 48(10):1758-61. doi: 10.1002/anie.200806070. p.1759 left column bottom paragraph & caption to fig.3 & p.1760 left columnPubMed ID19173359
Method (P.1758 right column top paragraph:) "GFP synthesis at surface-immobilized fluorescently labeled ribosomes was accomplished using a fractionated cell-free transcription–translation E. coli system (Figure.1)."
Comments "According to the rather limited photostability of GFPem,[ref 16] [investigators] observe in most cases photobleaching after a few exposures (Figure 3 a) and in some cases also photoblinking. The time course of emerging fluorescent GFPem molecules is satisfactorily fitted by a single exponential (red line in Figure 3c). The corresponding characteristic time constant for the observed process is 5.3 min, which is one of the fastest maturation times for a GFP mutant observed to date. Typical maturation times of other GFP mutants of the S65T type range from 15 to 45 min, whereas wild-type GFP shows even longer maturation times on the order of 2 h.[refs 14, 15, 20]" "As the characteristic chromophore formation requires at least 5–10 min for de novo synthesized GFP molecules,[ref 24] [investigators] have to assume that the characteristic time constant obtained from [their] data (5.3 min) is related to the chromophore formation."
Entered by Uri M
ID 106887