Metabolic rates and redox ratios in perfused livers from fed rats

Range Table - link
Organism Rat Rattus norvegicus
Reference Soboll S, Scholz R, Heldt HW. Subcellular metabolite concentrations. Dependence of mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP systems on the metabolic state of perfused rat liver. Eur J Biochem. 1978 Jun 15 87(2):377-90. p.381 table 2PubMed ID668699
Method “From marker enzyme activities and metabolite contents in the unfractionated homogenate and in the different fractions the mitochondrial and cytosolic metabolite contents (nmol/mg protein) were calculated by extrapolating the data to fractions of pure mitochondria and pure cytosol according to Elbers et al. [ref 5]. The subcellular metabolite contents were converted into concentrations assuming a water content of 0.8 and 3.8 µl/mg protein in the mitochondrial and cytosolic compartment, respectively, based on considerations previously discussed by Soboll et al. [ref 1].”
Comments "Despite the predominance of mitochondrial ATP generation, the liver has also a high capacity to generate ATP in the cytosol. In substrate-free perfused livers from fed rats, the production of lactate + pyruvate was around 100µmol/g/h (Table 2, expt F) yielding 150µmol ATP/g/h due to glycolysis from glycogen, i.e. one fourth of the ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation." For experimental conditions and metabolic states see p.381 table 1 link
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ID 111354