Shortest generation time of an insect

Value 4.7 days
Organism Aphid Rhopalosiphum prunifolia
Reference University of Florida Book of Insect Records, Tang Li, Chapter 6 Shortest Generation Time 8 May 1995 p.13 right column 3rd paraGraph - link
Primary Source Noda, I. 1960. The emergence of winged viviparous female in aphids. VI. Difference in the rate of development between the winged and the unwinged forms. Jap. J. Ecol. 10: 97-102. [Not seen cited by Dixon 1917, p. 274] link - link
Comments R. prunifoliae takes 21.3 days for one generation at 10°C while only 4.7 days at 25°C (primary source)
Entered by Ron Milo - Admin
ID 100519