Cryospheric, hydrologic, and demographic characteristics of the major mountain basins

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Organism Biosphere
Reference M. Huss et al., Toward mountains without permanent snow and ice, Earth's future, 18 May 2017, DOI: 10.1002/2016EF000514 p.423 table 2
Comments P.424 bottom paragraph: "[Investigators'] data indicate that present glacier ice volume at low to mid-latitudes is concentrated in High Mountain Asia with smaller volumes in the European Alps, the Caucasus, the Coast and Rocky Mountains, and the Andes (Figure 3a, Table 2). [Their] simple method for estimating the cryospheric contribution to runoff in mountain catchments (equation (1)) indicates the importance of melting processes, and hence increased potential impacts of future climate change, in rather dry high-elevation regions. [They] find snow and ice melt contributions of 50% and more in some large-scale basins of High Mountain Asia, as well as in the Andes (Figure 3b, Table 2). These regions support large populations and also have experienced large population growth over the past decade (e.g., Indus, Table S1). Cryospheric contributions in regions influenced by monsoonal systems are generally small or negligible (e.g., Brahmaputra, Amazonas, Table 2)." See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
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