Observed rate of productive collisions of proteins when electrostatic interactions are fully screened or mutated away

Value 100000 M^-1×sec^-1
Organism Generic
Reference Janin J. The kinetics of protein-protein recognition. Proteins. 1997 Jun28(2):153-61. p.153 left columnPubMed ID9188733
Method "When long range electrostatic interactions are fully screened or mutated away, qt×qr˜1, and the observed rate of productive collision is pr×kcoll˜10^5M^-1×sec^-1."
Comments "an encounter pair ... can evolve into a stable complex if and only if the two molecules are correctly oriented and positioned, which has a probability pr. In the absence of long-range interactions, the bimolecular rate of association is pr kcoll."
Entered by Uri M
ID 108958