Number of subunits in the F0 oligomer of ATPase in mitochondria

Value 10 unitless
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Seelert H et al. Proton-powered turbine of a plant motor. Nature. 2000 May 25 405(6785):418-9 p.418 right columnPubMed ID10839529
Primary Source Stock D, Leslie AG, Walker JE. Molecular architecture of the rotary motor in ATP synthase. Science. 1999 Nov 26 286(5445):1700-5.PubMed ID10576729
Method (Primary source:) An electron density map obtained from crystals of a subcomplex of yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase
Comments differs in bacteria, yeast and plants
Entered by Ron Milo - Admin
ID 101270