Percent of the inorganic carbon (C) assimilated in primary producers that involves Rubisco

Range >99.5 %
Organism Various
Reference Raven JA. Rubisco: still the most abundant protein of Earth? New Phytol. 2013 Apr198(1):1-3. doi: 10.1111/nph.12197. p.1 left column top paragraphPubMed ID23432200
Primary Source Raven JA. 2009. Contributions of anoxygenic and oxygenic phototrophy and chemolithotrophy to carbon and oxygen fluxes in aquatic environments. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 56: 177–192.
Comments "Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) is the core autotrophic carboxylase in all oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, and > 99.5% of the inorganic carbon (C) assimilated in primary producers (chemolithotrophs as well as photolithotrophs) involves Rubisco (primary source)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109976