Increases in cell volume of interferon-treated fibroblasts

Range Table - link
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Jasny BR, Pfeffer LM, Tamm I. Effects of beta interferon on human fibroblasts at different population doubling levels. Proliferation, cell volume, thymidine uptake, and DNA synthesis. J Exp Med. 1984 Jun 1 159(6):1741-9. p.1744 table 2PubMed ID6726117
Method Cell volume analysis was performed with a Coulter channelyzer model ZBI (Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, FL).
Comments Human diploid fibroblast cell line 76-109. Cells at high population doubling levels (PDL 55- 70) showed a mean population doubling time that was twice as long as the doubling time of cultures at middle PDL, i.e., 30-40
Entered by Uri M
ID 106310