Number of readily distinguished distinct astrocyte phenotypes

Range ~11 distinct phenotypes
Organism Unspecified
Reference Abbott NJ, Rönnbäck L, Hansson E. Astrocyte-endothelial interactions at the blood-brain barrier. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006 Jan7(1):41-53 DOI: 10.1038/nrn1824 p.45 left columnPubMed ID16371949
Primary Source [20] Reichenbach, A. & Wolburg, H. in Neuroglia 2nd edn (eds Kettemann, H. & Ransom, B. R.) 19–35 (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 2004).
Comments P.45 left column: "Astrocytes show a number of different morphologies, depending on their location and association with other cell types. Of the ∼11 distinct phenotypes that can be readily distinguished, 8 involve specific interactions with blood vessels (primary source)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 117115