Mean cell volume (MCV) of human blood leucocytes and various murine macrophages

Range Table - link fL
Organism Mammals
Reference Nibbering PH, Zomerdijk TP, Corsèl-Van Tilburg AJ, Van Furth R. Mean cell volume of human blood leucocytes and resident and activated murine macrophages. J Immunol Methods. 1990 May 8 129(1):143-5 p.144 table IPubMed ID2110946
Method Abstract: "The mean cell volume (MCV) of human blood leucocytes and resident and activated murine macrophages was measured with a Coulter counter connected to a 256 channelyzer."
Comments P.144 left column bottom paragraph: "The MCV of human blood leucocytes, murine resident peritoneal macrophages and rIFN-γ- and BCG/PPD- activated peritoneal macrophages, resident alveolar macrophages, and macrophage-like cell lines are shown in Table I." See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 116921