Generation time in vitro on (mouse) intestinal mucus

Value 30 min
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Tenaillon O, Skurnik D, Picard B, Denamur E. The population genetics of commensal Escherichia coli. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2010 Mar8(3):207-17. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2298 p.208 left column top paragraphPubMed ID20157339
Primary Source [19] Licht TR, Tolker-Nielsen T, Holmstrøm K, Krogfelt KA, Molin S. Inhibition of Escherichia coli precursor-16S rRNA processing by mouse intestinal contents. Environ Microbiol. 1999 Feb1(1):23-32PubMed ID11207715
Method Primary source abstract: "[Investigators] have applied fluorescence in situ hybridization of pre-16S rRNA to Escherichia coli cells growing in vitro in extracts from two different compartments of the mouse intestine: the caecal mucus layer, where E. coli grew rapidly, and the contents of the caecum, which supported much slower bacterial growth."
Comments P.208 left column top paragraph: "Although the concentrations of these sugars in the intestine are low [ref 17], E. coli maximizes its growth by using micro-aerobic and anaerobic respiration in the intestine [ref 18]. This results in a 30 minute generation time in vitro on intestinal mucus [primary source] compared with 40–80 minutes in the intestines of streptomycin-treated mice, in which the cells in the luminal content are static [BNID 116915 ref 14], and 120 minutes when the mice are 'conventionalized' by removing the streptomycin and feeding them with mouse caecal content [ref 20]. This change in growth rate in the presence of other species illustrates that E. coli competes with those other species."
Entered by Uri M
ID 116914