Energy required to reduce carbon in the Calvin‐Benson cycle

Value 590 kJ/mol
Organism Chloroplast
Reference Kranz SA, Young JN, Hopkinson BM, Goldman JA, Tortell PD, Morel FM. Low temperature reduces the energetic requirement for the CO2 concentrating mechanism in diatoms. New Phytol. 2015 Jan205(1):192-201. doi: 10.1111/nph.12976 p.199 right column 3rd paragraphPubMed ID25308897
Primary Source Falkowski PG, Raven JA. 2007. Aquatic photosynthesis. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Comments P.199 right column 3rd paragraph: "This energy saving is substantial compared with the 590 kJ/mol required to reduce carbon in the Calvin‐Benson cycle (3 ATP + 2 NADPH, primary source)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 116863