Duration of flashes of light emission in many luminous organisms

Range ~100 msec
Organism Unspecified
Reference Haas E. Bioluminescence from single bacterial cells exhibits no oscillation. Biophys J. 1980 Sep31(3):301-12 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(80)85060-0 p.301 2nd paragraphPubMed ID6973368
Primary Source [1] Harvey, E. N. 1952. Bioluminescence. Academic Press, Inc., New York [2] Johnson, F. H., and Y. Haneda, editors. 1966. Bioluminescence in Progress. Princeton University Press, Princeton
Comments P.301 2nd paragraph: "In many luminous organisms light emission occurs as flashes of ~100 ms duration, and sometimes as trains or bursts of such pulses (primary sources). Such flashes are known to be of functional importance in some species, either offensively, defensively, or in communication (ref 3). Cellular control mechanisms may be involved in turning on or off the biochemical systems (luciferin-luciferase) directly responsible for the light emission (ref 4)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 116496