Mean linear red cell velocity in sartorius muscle

Value 0.38 mm/sec Range: ±0.02 mm/sec
Organism Cat
Reference Ivanov, K., Kalinina, M. and Levkovich, Y. (1981). Blood flow velocity in capillaries of brain and muscles and its physiological significance. Microvascular Research, 22(2), pp.143-155 link p.152 3rd paragraph
Primary Source Burton KS, Johnson PC. Reactive hyperemia in individual capillaries of skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol. 1972 Sep223(3):517-24. DOI: 10.1152/ajplegacy.1972.223.3.517 AND Johnson PC, Burton KS, Henrich H, Henrich U. Effect of occlusion duration on reactive hyperemia in sartorius muscle capillaries. Am J Physiol. 1976 Mar230(3):715-9. DOI: 10.1152/ajplegacy.1976.230.3.715PubMed ID5055308, 1266975
Method Primary source Burton & Johnson 1972: "Red cell velocity profiles in individual capillaries were studied in the sartorius muscle of the cat during reactive hyperemia using a dual-slit photometric system." Primary source Johnson et al., 1976, abstract: "Reactive hyperemia was studied in cat sartorius muscle by measurement of venous outflow and capillary red cell velocity following occlusions of 5-120 s."
Comments P.152 3rd paragraph: "There are a few reports dealing with the direct measurements of linear RBC [red blood cell] velocity in muscle capillaries. An average velocity of 0.38±0.02 mm/sec was found in capillaries of the cat sartorius muscle (primary sources)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 115136